Saturday, August 19, 2006

This is going to sound like I'm sucking up

I am completely against the use of steroids and HGH and whatever else is out there in any sport. But, I think if players will step forward and admit they're wrongs, they should be forgiven. I have had a real strange series of events come about recently that I think have really brought this feeling forward. I recently read that Jason Grimsley had been fighting with the Diamondbacks to get the rest of his money on his contract. At first I thought this was a little shady and I was a little pissed, but then just the other day I read another article. This one said that Grimsley had gotten the rest of his contract from the Diamondbacks, but he was giving all... ALL of it to charity. That says something about his character, maybe it was just to make up for a mistake, but at least he is doing something. I commend him on his actions and I hope that more players follow suit. Now for the reason that this sounds like I'm sucking up... just tonight I actually got a chance to meet Jason Grimsley. I happened to be a wedding shower at his neighbors' house. As we were chatting outside and carrying on our host actually walked over to his house and invited him to meet some extreme Royals fans (myself and my buddy). He gladly came over and was an extremely down to earth guy... he was really the life of the party at that point. He was telling all kinds of jokes and just getting to know people. I can really respect someone like that... under so much pressure and scrutiny and still able to be so personable and friendly. So, I say if sports stars make an effort to make ammends after a bit of a flub up, forgive them... really who are we to judge?

brandx (I guess you can call me a suckup, even though I felt this way prior to meeting the guy)


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