Wednesday, April 25, 2007

You have lost a powerful ally, and gained a powerful enemy...

Dear Buddy Bell,

I know you don't know me and probably don't give a hoot about my opinions of your managerial skills... but I have been an avid defender of you over the past year and a half. When others were calling for your head, I preached patience. I felt that given a decent team you could perform quite well and get good results. Since you had yet to manage a team with any trace of talent I felt you deserved a chance. Yet, you repay me with this?!? I understand that my beloved Royals still fall short of being one of the more talented teams in the league, but you are only stagnating any talent we have. I can forgive you for the bullpen woes... injuries happen and you have been forced to use players more than would be liked by anyone. However, Braun has done alright, and Soria has been lights out (aside from last night), so why have we used them so little?

My bigger issue with you and your lack of management, however, has been your use of our starters, and our lineup. My complaints are as follows:

1. Pitch Count - This is the most worthless stat/consideration in the history of sports. Guys used to throw 400 innings a year, even back to back complete games, why can't they do that now? What do you think their pitch count got up to? The fact is that you pull a pitcher when it is obvious he is getting too tired to be effective or he is just ineffective all together. In other words, when Greinke pitches 6 or 7 masterful innings let him keep going, why would you pull him because his pitch count is getting close to 100? Especially when the bullpen has basically been playing for the other team. Let the starters play... our ERA for starters is among the best in the AL - I believe we're 4th or 5th. Seems to me like the longer our starters pitch the better our chances for winning.

2. Earned Spots - I know you will think I'm talking about our pitching here... and there's an argument to be made with Odalis Perez, but I'll save that for another time. My actual complaint deals with our outfield. Emil Brown should be the regular left fielder. I know this comes as a shock because he's had a crap April, but you are to blame for this. Emil Brown has proved over the last 2 seasons that he is one of our most consistent producers offensively, yet you have relegated him to back-up/platoon duty. I understand you have several players that need playing time, but this is ridiculous. You have shunned our leading RBI guy and caused him to play angry, and made him feel that he has to prove himself to play on the team. That is not a good mind set for a ball player... maybe it works in football, but baseball is much more subtle. I know you probably haven't figured it out, but baseball is a game of thinking and reacting... that requires a calm, collected player. So thanks for ruining a solid player.

3. Caution - This could fall in the Pitch Count, but I want to talk about position players on this one. Three times we had a chance to win a series to open the season, and on all three occasions you sat out some of our best hitters... how much sense does that make? Gee, I could give my team the best chance to win and give these young guys a boost of confidence, or I can sit Mike Sweeney and Mark Grudzielanek and crush my team's hope of a decent year. Good choice, Buddy. I understand that our hitters have been slow to start, but don't you realize that the best way for proven hitters to get out of a slump is to let them get as many reps as possible. Since these guys can hit (we know this... you should too) they just need to see a lot of pitches and their hits will start falling like a torrential downpour. Instead you have made them sit out every other game or so, and have severely hindered any chance of them getting their rhythm and timing.

4. Catching - You've got two catchers, both are doing well behind the plate, but one is hitting 200 points higher than the other and leading the team in homeruns. Why... WHY, are they still sharing equal playing time?!? Your response has been two-fold: first, that they both play defense well so they both deserve playing time; second, that LaRue needs reps to get his bat going. My argument to the first is this - our offense is killing our great starting pitching, not out catchers' defense. And, if they both play the same defensively how does that help LaRue's case, if anything it helps Buck... he plays defense and he hits?!?!? PLAY HIM THEN! And as for your second argument... refer to my previous complaint and do this with ALL of your players... you freaking hypocrit!

But, I digress. I just want to thank you, Buddy Bell, for killing all the hope we fans have... this season is on your shoulders.

Your faithful enemy,



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